Reading Letter #6-2nd Quarter-Brianna

Troubling a Star

By Madeleine L’Engle

Page 188-the end (page 296)


            This book is about a girl named Vicky who gets a once in a lifetime opportunity to go to Antarctica. She accepts this trip and off she goes. They visit many small countries in southern South America. She is traveling with a man named Cook, who is pretty good friend. Cook leaves at one of their stops to visit with his brother. The trip is going well and there is man on the ship, Otto, who really likes Vicky. He is youngest passenger, besides Vicky. They both like each other and. . .  I am going to stop there so I don’t give away the ending.


            This book is pretty good. I like how it is set up. The book starts out in italics and Vicky is stranded on an iceberg. Then it starts with the beginning of the story. At the beginning of each chapter there is more to the iceberg story. One thing I don’t like about the book is that the chapters are so long. There are only eleven chapters in the whole book. It hard to find a place to stop and to find were you left off. I will tell you that the book is a mystery and has to do with all the warning cards Vicky received before her trip. Before the trip Vicky received strange postcards and weird messages tapped to her locker at school. I would probably recommend this book to a friend. It isn’t at the top of my favorite book list, but it’s not at the bottom either.

2 thoughts on “Reading Letter #6-2nd Quarter-Brianna

  1. Brianna-

    This reading letter is really good! I like how you took more time explaining how you felt about the book rather than the summary. I was interested in how old Vicky and Otto are? The book sounds really interesting and something I might want to read. Good job!

    – Anna T

  2. Brianna
    Good Reading letter! I agree with Anna I like how you talked more about your thoughts and feelings, than the summary. You did a nice job on discribing and adding details! Good Job!


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