Reading Letter 6-Nick H

Ender’s Game

Orison Card


I love this book. Ender is six years old and has a brother Peter and a sister Valentine. Each family is only aloud to have two children unless given permission by the government to have a third. Ender is a Third and his brother peter who is ten, picks on him all the time because the government is taking Ender to battle school which is a school meant to train kids for the upcoming war between the human race and the Bugger (alien) race. Peter resents Ender because the government believed that Peter was to aggressive. But Valentine and Ender are very close and the government didn’t pick her because they believed she was to soft and affectionate so they believed Ender would be aggressive yet not to aggressive. Ender is now in Battle school and Is excelling in everything, but some of the Other kids don’t like him because the adults are setting Ender up to be hated by the other kids so Ender will become hardened and only trust the right people and only have certain friends, only friends that will stay with you till the death.

-Nick H.

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