3rd quarter student writing 4- robert

One day a boy named Jason Zebra was playing football. He was the #1 rated quarter back in the country. He was planning to attend the University of Missouri for one year and then go pro. He decided to get a game together with some friends who were on his high school team. It was really hot that day and close to 100 degrees outside, but he still wanted to play.  He started feeling nautious and about a minute after that he passed out. That day he ended up being diagnosed with cancer. This crushed his dreams of playing in the super bowl and making millions of dollars. From that day on Jason Zebra’s family strived to find a cure for cancer. By the time Jason died his family still couldn’t find a cure. Jason had 5 kids though that all went on on play in the NFL. This is the life of Jason Zebra.

One thought on “3rd quarter student writing 4- robert

  1. They should make a movie out of this robert. It was happy, the sad, then a mix in between in the end. Cancer is such an awful disease, because it effects so many people and can ruin dreams that you have for the rest of your life. It was still a very good story though, great job Robert.

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