Editorial Cartoon: Eleanor

In my cartoon, I talk about how there are people who try to seek out “cures” for the coronavirus without waiting for the actual science. In this particular instance, it is an anti-vaxxer who wants the scientists to “hurry up and find a cure” or “find a way to prevent it.”

The elements that I included in this cartoon are symbolism, captioning and labels, and irony. The crystals and box of essential oils on the desk symbolize that the person who wrote the post is an anti-vaxxer. The picture makes the words difficult to see, but I used captioning and labels in the post to show that this person expresses their anti-vax values on Facebook regularly. I used irony in this cartoon because a person in the comments asks if the preventative measure the person is talking about is a vaccine, but the anti-vaxxer says that vaccines will only make things worse. In reality, vaccines are used to help people protect themselves against various diseases. While there is no coronavirus vaccine yet, it is highly unlikely that the vaccine will make things worse if done correctly.

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