browning case

Lilly Siscoe English I  Ms. Gibson  5 May 2020   Estelle Browning  Some people do not want to continue their life if they are incompetant. They want to refuse water, food, and care, this is usually stated in their living will, if they have one. Estelle Browning wanted to be taken off of life support, Read More…


Lilly Siscoe English I  Ms. Gibson  1 May 2020 Argument of Judgement  Rin Chupeco said, “Kings are only kings because one ancestor was quicker than another to place a crown on his own head.”  This quote says that becoming a king is hereditary and you do not get to choose if you want to do Read More…


Lilly Siscoe  19 April 2020 Ms. Johnson  English I  A Midsummer Night’s Dream William Shakespeare is known for amazing characters with very advanced characters for his time.  There are many important characters in A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  All the characters hold importance, but the fairy king and queen, Oberon and Titania, play big parts to Read More…

unpaid service lilly siscoe

Dear Senator, I think it is highly unfair for you to ask teenagers for a year of unpaid services right after high school. High schoolers already have enough stress through possibly providing for your family, keeping up with grades, maintaining a social life, staying healthy, and getting a proper amount of sleep. These are all Read More…

reading letter

Lilly Siscoe Paper Towns  John Green Chapter 1-3 Summary: In these first chapters, you get a base of the storyline. Margot and Quentin are neighbors and Quentin has been in love with Margot ever since they were little, he’s very much enamored with her mystery. After Margot makes Quentin go on an adventure the night Read More…

being alone- lilly siscoe

During this quarantine, I do feel very much alone. I have been sleeping and this week I started school so it’s something to keep me occupied. But truly, I just feel restless feeling repetition is not as good as everyone makes it out to be, but I do feel less anxious and more at ease Read More…