Reading 5- Christina

Kingdom’s Edge Chuck Black 33/120 The book “Kingdom’s Edge is about this village that has been suffering from poverty since there king left. The kings son has come back but didn’t tell anyone until after he won a sword fight with the best noble knight because the knight wanted to cut off a girls hand. Read More…

Reading letter 4-Christina

Nothing to lose Alex Flinn 46/277 The book I am reading is Nothing to lose. It was written by Alex Flinn. This book is about a boy named Micheal who’s mother married a rich guy Walker. He abused her by beating her while Micheal was at school. Now they are in this big lawsuit. Micheal Read More…

student writting 2- Christina

The days in kindergarten were so easy.  All day for work you:  colored pictures,  had story time, and went to recess. I remember sitting in class  “reading” a book we had just got back from out side,  and it was time to learn. We would sit at our tables looking at the pictures in the book, and Read More…

Reading letter 3-Christina

Wake Lisa McMann 210/210 I read the book Wake. This book was written by Lisa McMann. This book was about a girl named Jeanie and ever since she was 8 years old she would get pulled into anyone’sdream that was sleeping in the same room she was in. Nobody knows about her condition and when Read More…

Reading letter2- Christina

Wake Lisa McMann 11/210 I am reading the book Wake. This book was written by Lisa McMann. So far in the book there is this girl named Janie. The strange thing about her is that she gets stuck in other peoples dreams. When some on is dreaming she gets pulled into them and doesn’t get out Read More…

Student writting-Christina

One day I called my mom from work. She had been very busy that day and wasn’t in a very good mood. I called her right when she was sitting down at a restaurant. She didn’t sound very happy when I asked her if she could pick me up. She said yes after about a Read More…

Reading letter 1-Christina

The red Kayak page 1-30 I am reading the book the red kayak. So far all they are talking about is how they all are such good friends and how much they hangout. One of the boys (I’m guessing the main character) likes to go crabbing but when he talks about it he sounds like something Read More…

Reading letter 7-Christina

Holocaust Camps   Harran, Marilyn., et al. THe Holocaust Chronicle, Lincolnwood, Illinois: Publications International, 2000   pg 199-this is a map of locations of consintration and death camps in Germany. pg 33-this talks about what influences were on Hitler and how they made him do what he did. pg 415- Talks about the cattle cars Read More…