Reading letter 4- Carson- Monster

In this section of Monser i have learned that the defendend was mainly enicent but the prosticuter was mainly after the mans well being for some strange family riverly. The boy was doing as good as he could with his lawyer that he was long time frinds with and the prosicuter was just to good. Read More…

Reading letter 4 Carson Monster

In This section of my new book monster a young 15 year boy was accused of murder in a robbery. And it was about how he was trying so hard to still look like the good guy when everyone thinks that he killed him.He grew up in the bad part of town and he is Read More…

Reading letter-qr2-letter 7- Carson

In my new book WW2 I am learning that the war was in the worst time that it could possibily be in. It was about 20 years after WW1 and the U.S.A. was still recovering economicly. It started by Hitler stepping out of his boundries and starting to become to powerful. But what we didnt Read More…

Random Stories-Carson-4

Random Stories It was the day that all turkeys hated thanksgiving weekend. That is where the story starts with a turkey named jimmy and his attempted to not be a food turkey. It was a snowy day and jimmy knew how hard it would be to stay alive on this thanksgiving. Than the owner of Read More…