Lensie F. Reading l. #2

Book: New Moon

By: Stephenie Meyer

Pages 209-287

  This is my second reading letter for this book. Last reading letter I told who all the characters and about what happened so far. Now what is happening is Bella and Jacob stopped hanging out. Bella called him day after day and he never would answer, it was like he didn’t care. After some time Bella decided to drive up to La Push to talk to him. She then saw him walk up to her, his long hair was cut short, and he was hanging out with some kids he had told her he didn’t like. He was actually very rude to Bella. They used to be very good friends, but now Jacob had changed. Bella was so lonely. Bella started hanging with her old group of friends, but they were nothing used to be. This book is a good book I think. Although I think it is kind of boring, because does not have much going on. I have heard that the book gets better towards the end. I really like how Stephenie Meyer adds a lot of detail to her story, because it helps me vizulize what is going on. I am interested to see what else happens in the book, I am thinking the book is about to get very interesting. If you have not read this book you should, because it is really good. Even though it looks really big, you flip through the pages fast1

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