Reading Letter #2-1st Quarter-Brianna

Same Difference

By Siobhan Vivian

Page 1- 220 out of 287

So far a lot has happened in this book. It starts out with the main character Emily who is leaving her small town of Cherry Grove and her best friend Meg to go to a summer art program. She is commuting there, so she will still see Meg. At art class she meets a girl named Fiona who does these shadow drawings that Emily loves. Emily is very different from everyone else in the class. She also really likes the teacher’s assistant Yates who is about the same age as her. Fiona starts hanging out with Emily, so she is spending less time with Meg. They are growing farther and farther apart. Emily doesn’t seem to think it is a big deal cause then Meg can be with her boyfriend, Rick more. When I stopped reading Meg and Emily were fighting and decide to break up their friend relationship that has been going on since they can remember.

This book is really good. This author is very descriptive, like the first day of art class instead of saying the kids were weird, she really described some of them and you felt like you there. I do have a few questions about what is to come and what happened. Why is Emily starting to look and act like Fiona? Will Emily regret growing apart from Meg? Will they get back together? Will Emily and Yates get together after summer school? I hope my questions are answered in the rest of the book.  I like the layout of this book. It is separated into chapters, but also into months. It just adds a cool like detail to the book. I plan on finishing this book next week.

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