Reading Letter #2-Mason

The Last Olympian
Rick Riordan
All of the book

This was probably my favorite book of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians. This book really went into awesome detail. This book had a lot of battle scenes which really intrigue me. The book goes into great detail into greek mythology. Percy Jackson is back with another thriller involving all of his demi-god friends and foes, gods, evil titans, and terrifying monsters. Percy has to try and fight off a much bigger and more powerful titan army, armed to the teeth with deadly weapons. Even Percy’s mother gets involved in the battle. I am very interested to see if there will be a sixth book, or a series revovling around Nico Diangelo, Hades half-son. I really hope Mr. Rick Riordan will come out with something new. I am also really excited to see the Lightning Thief movie that comes out soon and all of the other books become movies as well.

One thought on “Reading Letter #2-Mason

  1. Hey Mason!
    On this reading letter, you need a lot more information on the book and more about how you felt about it. But on the bright side there weren’t any spelling errors! Good Job.

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