Reading Letter #3- Sean


Gary Paulsen


The main characters are a man (whose name is still unknown), his wife, his son and his sled team. The setting is the Alaskan arctic and wilderness and also at the man’s house. There is also a lake at the beginning of the story for a very brief time.  

Later in the book the main character finds a goose that had been run over on a gravel road, most likely collecting rocks for its gizzard. So the man hooked the dogs up to a tree so they wouldn’t run away and he found the birds nest and for some reason, even he couldn’t explain he picked up all of the eggs and brought them with him so they wouldn’t be eaten by a skunk. He did not know what he was going to do with them, but he did anyway. In another part of the book there is a hawk that starts to annoy the dogs at the man’s house. The man was out side when the bird was swooping down just to peck and irritate the animals. The man also got attacked by the hawk later and started to retaliate against it.

This is where I left off in the book so I don’t know how his little affair ends up, but I know it will be good. I’m guessing that the hawk will get driven away or killed later in the book. This book is very good and easy to understand so I would recommend it to anyone.

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