Reading Letter #1- 2nd Quarter- Brianna


By Margaret Peterson Haddix

Pages 1-188 out of 330


This is a great book. So far a lot has happened. The book is about three young girls, Bella, Yetta, and Jane. Bella is an Irish immigrant who came to America to work at a shirtwaist factory. Yetta is a Russian immigrant also working at the factory. Jane is from the upper class and learns about the conditions of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory and tries to help. Jane even runs away from home to help with the strike. Yetta and other workers are fighting for a union and are on strike right now. Bella being a new immigrant doesn’t know about these things and is still working at the factory but soon goes on strike too. Yetta lives with her sister Rahel and they are barely surviving. Bella is living at a boarding house with her cousin Pietro. Jane of course being wealthy is living in a big house. Bella, Yetta, and Jane become great friends when they are striking. 


            As I said before, this is a great book. I love the arrangement of the book. Each chapter is about a different character. The book also begins with Harriet (the factory owner’s daughter) talking to a Mrs. Livingston about the fire I believe this is Jane, Yetta, or Bella later in life. I am very curious about this fire mention at the beginning and on the book cover. I think that the factory is going to catch on fire and maybe not all of the girls will live. This book is historical-fiction because Triangle Factory is real and there really was a fire there. I have a few questions about what I have read and what might happen. Will they die in the fire? Will there even be a fire? Does Jane ever go back home? Who is Mrs. Livingston? I hope my questions are answered this next week as I continue to read. The book is long, but is suspenseful. I would definitely recommend this book to a friend.

One thought on “Reading Letter #1- 2nd Quarter- Brianna

  1. I loved this book. Wait until you get to the fire section. It’s frightening and seems very realistic. I can’t believe how the management really made the whole place so dangerous just because they were afraid some of the girls might leave work with some material! A result of the fire was better working conditions and safety regulations. You do get really close to the characters which makes the fire seem so much more sad in the end.
    Ms. G

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