Reading letter 2- Quarter 2- Anna T

Story of a Girl
Sara Zarr

I am reading the book, Story of a Girl, by Sara Zarr. I haven’t gotten very far in it yet. So far, it is about a girl named Deanna Lambert, who is in high school. When she was 14, her dad caught her with a boy named, Tommy in his truck. Her dad has never looked at her the same way. She lives at home with her brother, and his girlfriend, Stacy. They have a daughter. Her brother got Stacy pregnant right after high school. Deanna is working all Summer. She is trying to save up enough money so she, Stacy and her brother can move out.

This book doesn’t really relate to me. Since I am not pregnant, and I don’t plan on being pregnant in high school or college. But on the other hand, this book really shows how one mistake can change your whole life. Stacy and Deanna’s brother used to be the most popular kids in high school and had a lot going for them. When Stacy got pregnant, things took a definite turn for the worse. I am interested to keep reading and see if things change for everyone.

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