reading letter#2 nick s

I have been playing the game Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 the company that made this was Infinity ward. the game starts out with you in Army rangers and you are in a Afghanistan and you go through a tango populated city with rpgs’ flying past you and you play as Roach and he is trying to enter the elite squad of mercenaries called task force 141. When you get by a school and ied blows up the Humvee and you have to take down the enemies. You are forced into the house and are caught in a cross fire and have to fight your way out of it.
this game is very fun and i like it a lot because i can play with all my friends on live and i don’t have to just play the story mode i can fight other people. the campaign is very scary and controversial because in some misons you fight as a terriost killing civilians. The main thing i love is the scences where you cant put the controller down.

One thought on “reading letter#2 nick s

  1. Good job Nick
    You had a lot of information about this game but you also had a few spelling errors and you didn’t capitalize the words that needed to be capitalized. Overall good job.

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