Reading Letter #5- 2nd Quarter- Brianna

Troubling a Star

By Madeleine L’Engle

Page 1- 187 out of 296


            This book is about a girl named Vicky who is going to get a one in a life time chance, to go to Antarctica. Her family is friends with an Adam Eddington, whose relative, had gone to Antarctica. He died there many years ago and now Vicky has become friends with Aunt Serena (Adam’s aunt). Aunt Serena gives Vicky this trip as a birthday present. Vicky is going to go with Aunt Serena’s cook, Cook. Vicky is having a great time on her trip, but before she left she had received several strange messages/warnings. These are always in the front of her mind and worry her that someone didn’t want her to go for some reason.


            This book is pretty good. I have questions about what I read and what is coming up. Is Cook a good person or bad? What will happen in Antarctica? Will Adam and Vicky become good friends, like she hopes? It has a lot of interesting facts in it about penguins and other animals in Antarctica. It also talks about how the parts of the world want to own “their share” of the continent. This does get boring some of the time, but overall it is okay. I really like how the book is set up. It starts off with Vicky on an iceberg. How did she get there? Anyways, then at the beginning of each chapter it goes back to the iceberg and adds on to that story and then continues on to before that(rest of the book). One thing I don’t like about the book is that there are too many Adam’s. I think it is part of the mystery though. There is Adam I, who first went to Antarctica, Adam II who is Aunt Serena’s son, and Adam III who is the Adam Vicky knows. There is also Cook whose real name is Adam Cook. This is really confusing at times. The book is overall good though. I would probably recommend it to a friend.

One thought on “Reading Letter #5- 2nd Quarter- Brianna

  1. Brianna,
    I thought this was really good, and really well explained. I also didn’t find any errors or mistakes. Well done.

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