Reading Letter 5- quarter 2- Anna T

Jake Coburn

I am reading the book, LoveSick by Jake Coburn. I left off where Michael is giving Ted the proposition to watch after his daughter in college. While Charles, pays for all of Ted’s school. Ted hesitantly agrees to the deal. He soon meets Charles who explains why they need Ted. Charles has a total of 9 spies that look after Erica at various places. Even maids in their house are hired to spy. I am worried that Ted is going to fall in love with Erica. She’s going to say something like, “Oh I’m so glad we both go to this college. What a coincidence!” Ted will probably go along with it for a while, then when he’s really in love, he’ll have to tell her the truth, that her dad hired him to spy on her. This will break Erica’s heart, duh. But Ted is to the point where he realizes it’s better to tell the truth then to live a lie. Which also could relate to his alcoholism. I think I’ve pretty much got this book figured out. So hopefully I’m wrong. Hopefully, this book will be different then every other forbidden love story.

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