Reading L. #2 Lensie F.

Book: Dear John

Author: Nicholas Sparks

Pages: Whole Book               

 I just finished reading the book Dear John. I thought that it was a good book, but sad in some ways. This book is a love story. The author added lots of detail, which makes the story more interesting. There is a movie coming out about this book, that I am excited to see. This book has many characters in it, but some of the most mentioned characters in the book are Savanna, John, Tim, Johns dad, and Adam.

 John Tyree is in the army. When he was in high school, he never wanted to go to college and never paid much attention to his life. He never really cared about anything, this is why he decided to join the army, and he thought that it would help him become a better person. John lived with his dad; his dad was very into collecting coins. John’s dad was very hard to talk to, they never had much of a relationship, because they didn’t talk much, the only thing his dad wanted to talk about were coins.

  One summer John was on a 2 week leave from the army. He went home and stayed with his dad. John liked to surf so he went surfing; he saw 2 girls and 2 guys. One of the girls had her purse on the edge. On an accident one of the guys knocked the purse over, the girl was about to jump in and get it, because the guy was not going to. It was obviously not safe, John (not knowing her) went and got the purse for her. They then met and talked her name was savannah, they then hung out. They started hanging out more and more, that they fell in love. John had to leave to go back to the army, but savannah promised she would keep writing to him.

  One year later John got to go home and see Savannah and his father. Savannah and him began to fight, but it was really because they had missed each other so much. Johns leave was over again and he had to go back, no matter how much he didn’t want to. He started receiving less and less letters from savanna. One day he receives a letter from her, explaining that she had fallen in love with someone else.

 I don’t want to tell anymore about the book, because I don’t want to spoil the story for those of you who are going to see the movie, or read the book. I recommend this book to anyone. It is a both happy and sad book. It’s one of those books that is hard to put down.

One thought on “Reading L. #2 Lensie F.

  1. Lensie- Sounds like a good book. Next time give LESS summary. I feel as if I read the book. Also check for spelling. Otherwise great job!
    Brianna 🙂

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