Reading Letter #4- Steven

pages read: 112/112

Author: Earle Rice Jr.

I read the book the Final Solution by Earle Rice Jr. It was about the killing of the Jews at Auschwitz and how the Nazis did it. It also told about the beginnings of Hitler and genocide and anti-semtism.

This book was very depressing. I cannot believe all the pain and suffering that the Jews had to go through. Especially if they had to watch their family members get killed. I could not go through that. I never thought that there could be so much evil in one person. Hitler did all of that only because the Jews looked different. They had lived peacefully for many years, so I just do not understand what happened. Although this book was depressing, it was very informational and it really put things into perspective.

2 thoughts on “Reading Letter #4- Steven

  1. Steven,
    you did a good job expressing how you felt about the book but you need to take a little more time to proof read for spelling.
    – Caleb

  2. Steven,
    well done you had a small summary and long description on how you felt about the book. Plus I only found a couple minor errors, but overall good job.

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