Reading Letter 4-Nick Qtr 3

Ender’s Game

Orson Scott Card


I am still not far along, but so far what has happened is that Ender starts to play with a new game against some older boys. At first he lost, and The 2 older boys were making fun of him and making rude comments. Ender demanded another game, 2 out of 3, Ender and on eof the boys went on this game and this lasted for awhile. Ender won. They played the last game, Ender defeated the boy quickly. He caught on very fast. The boys were stunned, all they had to say was that the game was becoming easier that a pinhead could win. They were jealous, Ender walked off and just smiled. Than Ender walked to his new bully at his camp. Bernard. Bernard was making fun of Ender and said his butt shook. So Ender hacked into the system and wrote messages to other students acting like someone else.

This part was very interesting. Ender just never stops getting picked on. I wonder if Shen is a girl or boy, because it says He said blah blah and than she laughed. It really confuses me and I am not sure what is going on. I also do not remember Shen being in the beginning of the book. This book still has not interested me much and its hard to read if I dont LOVE the book, but I can still read it without a problem. I just wish not too. I think Ender may be picked on more because I think he is one of the youngest boys at this camp. I feel bad for him, because he has to stay there until he is 16, and he may never make any friends. Poor boy. This book is very good and I really think that almost anyone would enjoy it!

-Nick H.

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