Reading Letter #1- 4th Quarter-Brianna

Den of Thieves

By Julia Golding

Page 1- end (page 417)


            This book is about a girl named Catherine Royal who is called Cat by her friends. Cat is asked to be a spy in Paris, for her guardian, so he knows what is happening there (Cat lives in London). To be undercover, Cat becomes a ballerina. While in Paris, Cat’s friends are suspected thieves/traitors and are under arrest. Cat must do everything she can to save them and continue her spy job.


            This book was really good. It is the third book in the Cat Royal series. This book is a mystery and leaves you turning pages. I have some questions about what I read and what might happen in the next book? Will Cat continue her ballet skills? Why did she become a ballerina? Why is everyone out to get her friends? Will Cat ever travel the world? I hope my questions are answered at some point. One thing that I found interesting about this book is that the theatre is a big part of society in 1790. I like how the book is set up. It is divided into acts and scenes. In this particular book there are interlude, which is Cat’s letter to her guardian and other letter to people. I would recommend this book to a friend. I can’t wait to read the next one.

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