Student Writing 3- Kelley


quick, fast

swift and snappy

extremely aerodynamic

breakneck speed



8 thoughts on “Student Writing 3- Kelley

  1. Kelley,

    I really enjoy this poem. I could not find any errors. Very well done.


  2. Kelley, I love your adjectives. It makes the poem really good. I like how it was about racecar’s. Good job!


  3. Kelley I really like your poem, I have read some of your previous car poems and this one is really good. I like the way you describe speed in this poem.

    -Nick H.

  4. Good job Kelley
    this was very creative I liked how you involved it this with something that you enjoy such as racing. Overall Good job

  5. I really enjoyed your poem it was very inventive and i liked how the poem is short and fast just like a race would be. – Taylor

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