Taylor- Student Writing #3- Quarter #4

Equality although not directly spoken about in our history books is there and sends a clear message. Its presence has seemed to be forgotten, the memorization of dates and facts focused on in our classrooms today acts as a shield and covers the ideas improving our future by recalling our past. The lesson we are to learn from this struggle is the hatred and the downfall of this country because of racism and speculation. Our hope is that it also shows us the solution to a recovery.
The principle of equality is perhaps one of the most commonly miss understood. Every new settler, African American, and voyager traveled great distances to live what’s referred to as the “American Dream”, something they were promised upon deciding to travel long distances to our country. A beautiful home, money, and power were desired to create their ideal perfect world. What they were not prepared for was the struggle and the challenge that would come to be a problem for decades. This problem that caused so many people hurt and pain was our inability to accept others.
Our country has always had difficulty accepting African Americans as equal to others. As a nation today although we may still experience racial conflicts we have grown together and become stronger. We once lived in an extremely segregated world. Slavery was only the beginning of a fight to be free, a fight for equality. Although progress was made to improve the African American circumstances they were still forced to live in an uncivilized manor. African American children were deprived of the opportunity to learn with a white child, forced to sit on the back of a bus or give up their seat to someone of a white racial background. They were forced to fight a battle they had never intended to fight. They had become their own history.
Although the country was growing we continued to struggle with equality. Native Americans were a wonderful example of unjust treatment. We did not want to learn their ways, so there for they were savages, unimportant and unneeded. Our goal seemed to be to rid our country of their population. Our people filled their thoughts and action with hatred towards the Native Americans. We wanted their land and we wanted them to be removed from the lands soil quickly. Some were forced to move from their land with little supply and in poor weather conditions. However some Indian tribes were not as easily persuaded. Some choose to fight for their land. They gathered armies sometimes making alliances with other tribes to fight for the only thing they knew. Many died but others survived and lived on to tell their story. They next fight for equality would be years later and the women would be taking the stand.
Fighting for Women’s rights was a large movement in America’s history. If not for the independently strong women who fought for their rights women would still be fighting for what they deserve. There lives were devoted to changing the course of history. Some gave speeches and held debates, while others wrote books for larger audiences of people to read and evaluate. A council was even formed on the matter. The issue began to gain support and the word began to spread. Once a vote was held it was decided the women of this country were now given equal rights. They had earned the right to vote, the right to own their own land, to be seen as an individual but most of all they had won the battle of Equality. Things began to clear and our country was moving forward.
Our nations future is unclear. We cannot for see the events to come; however we can learn from our mistakes and make choices to better our country. For a place that has so much to offer we cannot waist time on a matter that can be changed and with that I hope that knowledge is the key to equality becoming a reality in our future. We are still presented with discrimination against African Americans. Clans and groups are formed around the discrimination of African Americans. Some must face the worry of racial attacks as they live their daily lives. Improvements can be made and plan to be fixed as soon as possible.
To improve the nation in the best and most effect way that I can I plan to make changes in the community by spreading the word about the effects of equality in the past and how we can change them to create a better tomorrow. Each person that begins to help and inspire others grows to become a large and powerful group of people that can change the world. Further more I will be sure to be a positive role model for my siblings and family members as well as not judging another human being by the color of their skin or the place they come from. I can only do my best to inspire and teach others to become better and more understanding people.
Equality effects many different types of people and can cause pain and joy. We only hope for the best and change our actions each day to better ourselves. Everyone deserves rights, and a life of freedom, everyone deserves the chance to live their life without hatred, and everyone deserves equality. We are not perfect people but we know what is right and wrong. We have used our history as a lesson, a behind the scene look at our country. People who value equality will create a brighter tomorrow and teach others how to see the same perspective on life. We have improved so much over the years; we were even able to elect the first black president ever in United States history. We are making progress and we continue to grow and become a better nation.

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