Piglet’s worst enemy….. FINAL

Once upon a time, there lived a rabbit named Piglet. She lived with her rabbit friends, Pooh, Tigger, and Ru. Piglet was a poet, Tigger was an insurance agent, Pooh was a psychiatrist, and Ru didn’t need a job because she lived off the fortune she had inherited from her parents.

One morning, Piglet awoke to the smell of eggs, and toast. “Well that’s odd,” Piglet thought in her mind. Piglet was usually the first on up and cooked everything. She knew it definitely wasn’t Tigger cooking the food because he hated cooking. It probably wasn’t Ru because she really didn’t know how to do anything except spend money. It was probably Pooh, Piglet thought, as she jumped out of her bed. Pooh was the typical average friend who did everything he was supposed to with a little bit of nagging. Piglet quickly got dressed and ran downstairs and into the kitchen. She was thinking that she would find Pooh when she went into the kitchen, instead, she saw her horrible worst enemy, EEYORE!

The first question that popped into Piglet’s mind was what in the world was Eeyore doing here. The second question was how in the world did he get in here! There were reasons why Piglet hated Eeyore so much but she had never ever told anyone.

During Piglet’s senior year of high school which was 3 years ago, she had dated Eeyore. They were the couple that everyone was jealous of. When the end of the year came, they planned on going to the school prom together. Well that didn’t end up as Piglet had planned because Eeyore had forgotten and spent the night at home playing video games. That was the reason Piglet hated Eeyore so terribly much.

To be continued


4 thoughts on “Piglet’s worst enemy….. FINAL

  1. it was a good and funny story, but it was a little rushed, i felt as though the whole thing was sped together. But that was really funny with Eeyore. Good story. One question though, is this the book you read, or was this a knockoff of a whiney the Pooh story?

  2. Anna,
    I thought your story was funny but lacked a little detail. I hope you continue this story because I would like to know more. And what is this story called? It has no title.

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