Reading Letter 5 QURTER 2- eliza

This week I continued reading Closed for the Season by Mary Downing Han.This book is about two boys who try and solve a murder in one of their houses. In the part I read the two boys get very far with their investigation, they think where all the money is. Everyone thinks that is why Mrs. Donaldson was killed. They have found out that the money is where Mrs. Donaldson worked, The Magic Forest. The Magic Forest is a creepy, old, run down theme park covered in Kudzu Vine.  Also they kno where it is in there now all they have to do is get it before no one else does or the city destroys it.

This book is great! I really enjoy reading it! The author is awesome at holding secrets! It makes you wonder about a lot of stuff! What will happen to them when they go to the magic forest? Will they get the money? Will they get it on time? Who is Silas? Why is he a main character? Will the park really get destroyed? Why would they destroy the theme park? The thing that I like wondering about all this stuff is I want to keep reading to find it out! I would suggest this book to most everyone!


Book: Closed for the Season

Author: Mary Downing Han


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