Reading Letter 1 Q3-Abby

Reading letter 1 Q3
Breaking Dawn
Stephanie Meyer

I really like this book so far! The author does an amazing job of describing. I felt like I could smell and see everything. If you think about the point of this book it sounds cliché but it’s a really good book. There is kind of a twist to it so what you read is unexpected and sometimes spur of the moment. It’s sort of like an old story tale about vampires and werewolves but it’s in modern time so I guess its “re-vamped” I would recommend it to all females but especially to teenage and young adults. There is other books in the series that I enjoyed too! The movies of the others were good but didn’t do the books justice as I suspect this one wont either. But I am rereading this book before the movie comes out so it’s fresh in my mind. Also the author switches from person to person which I really like in a book!
Bella and Edward tell Bella’s dad, Charlie, that they are getting married. But he doesn’t know that Edward and his family are vampires. After Bella gets changed she wont really be able to see him again because she’ll be so different. Bella keeps having dreams about a vampire baby that she has to save. I wonder what that means so it very suspenseful.

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