Reading Letter 5-Amy

13 Days to Midnight

page 250-295

In the last section of the book Milo and Jacob had to “kill” Oh. Her body is taken over with bad spirits she can’t control. In the end they kill all of her spirits and she is okay.

I thought the ending of the book was very good. It finally explained to me what it had to do with midnight. When a lot of bad people take over Oh Jacob has to kill all of them without killing her actual body. I of course have never been in this situation but I know how it is to know that if you make one small mistake awful things will happen. Before Milo and Jacob realize what has happened to Oh, they don’t have any control over her. I  feel like that with my sister when I’m trying to talk to her and she won’t listen. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes sci-fi books and suspenseful things. I think that if the author would have incorporated the midnight theme earlier in the book It would have made more sense. I really liked the characters in the book. I thought they were unique and different then all of the other characters in different books. I hope to soon read more of this author’s books.

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