Writing 4, Zach Smith


Zach Smith

I was sneaking out back from my cabin at the beach when all of a sudden a shadow sprinted by me. I soon realized that it was a dear buy though what would dear be doing on a beach, as I walked further the sand became grass long golden grass. Then there was a shadow in the thicket as I walked closer I saw two green eyes stare back. Then I started to run, but the lion was to fast. As I ran, the grass slowly turned to the deck of a ship, everyone was having a great time then the ship struck something. It was an iceberg. The Ship started to sink and then it ripped in half, both ends going under I climbed to the top but when I reached the rail I was completely off the deck hanging at a 45 degree angle. Then the boat shook and I fell, and fell, it felt like years then just as I was about to hit the water I landed on a wet grass land scape not even a scratch.

Then I started to sink into the water and kept going down when I hit the bottom there was not a drop of water except below me, I was on a huge battle ship. I figured I must be dreaming but couldn’t wake. Then I felt like I was marching, then the ship was hit, and it started to go down I jumped for dear life, and hit the water, hard. When I resurfaced I saw planes everywhere. The I heard gunfire and a plane was hit it came crashing down right at me, then when I finally woke I wasn’t in my bed anymore I was in a cot in an army tent waiting for my next orders the dream was over it was time for War.

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