High Heat

Chance Rose 

August 26, 2020


High Heat

Carl Deuker

Pages 55-113


We found out that Shane’s dad killed himself because he had been busted for selling drugs and money laundering. Shane’s family had to have a big garage sale selling almost everything and had to sell their house, they moved to a bad part of Seattle and moved schools. Shane was doing bad in school and there mom found a new job and had to work until 12 In the morning so Shane had to take care of his little sister. The next week Shane found some new friends and almost every night they would steal beer and one night they got caught, Shane had to do community service and parole for a year. Shane’s parole officer when they met talked Shane back into baseball to get him off the streets. 


I feel really bad for Shane and his family having to find out their dad was smuggling drugs into their town to make money. Shane looked up to him and I have a feeling that’s one of the reasons Shane is getting into trouble. I’m almost positive that Shane’s mom is depressed and cannot raise two children by herself in the mental state she is in. Shane going out every night left Marian alone in the house by herself was very dangerous and I was nervous that something was going to happen to her. I knew when Shane met his new friends and went out with them the first time something bad was going to happen. I am happy that Shane got caught so he could realize he is doing stupid things and get back to baseball. I am really excited to see what happens next, I really hope Shane stays out of trouble.

One thought on “High Heat

  1. Chance,
    It sounds like this parole officer really helps Shane along. Do you think he’ll stick with baseball???

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