The Times We Had

Some of the best memories I have had are with my Grand mama which was my dad’s mom and she was the kindest person ever. She lived in a modern house at the time and always ate grapefruit which I did not like and still refuse to eat. I remember when I was little she would always give me pacifiers because my mom would always take them away from me, but this story is about my best time I have ever had with her. I was about 5 or 6 and my mom told me the day before that I was going to my Grandmama’s for the day and I was so excited I barely slept.

When we got there I saw her standing on her top step and I ran to her and gave her a hug, the time I spent with her was really important because she was sick with Colon Cancer. My favorite thing to do at her house was to play whiffle ball with her but I remember my mom saying “don’t ask to play whiffle ball because she might not feel up to it” which I realize now meant she is too sick.  After the long hug that lasted what felt like forever but I never wanted to end we went downstairs and the first thing I did was look in this big toy closet and grabbed this fake rocking horse that I named Blaze. My Grand mama would fake being an announcer like I was riding in the Kentucky Derby. I also had these big hot wheels set and we would race them with our hands all the way around the room and I would win every time. After lunch to my surprise she asked “Do you want to go outside and play some whiffle ball” I remember being so excited but I don’t remember what I said but it was probably along the lines of “YES”!!! When we played I felt like I played for the ST. Louis Cardinals and she would also announce that to. After hours of playing in the driveway I saw my moms car pull up and I remember trying to hide and start crying. That’s how much my Grand mama meant to me even at that young age, I miss her so much

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