Reading Letter 3

Enzo Cricchio

11 September, 2020 

Hello Ms. Gibson 


Michael Crighton 

Page: 78-118 


Karen, Eliot, and the rest of the team got in contact with a pilot to fly them to the Congo area in Africa in search of rare mineral deposits. The plane is loaded up with cargo computers, and weapons to prepare for the journey ahead. It is a race against the Japanese and Germans to get to the minerals. Upon landing, the team tries to get in contact with an ex-mercenary named Munro to accompany them but realizes that Japanese and German scientists are already discussing terms and conditions. Eventually an agreement is settled between the two and Munro agrees to accompany the rest of the team. 

I enjoyed how the author went into great detail about each of the characters, especially Munro since his past is very colorful to say the least. Telling backstory about not just the characters but the places they visit makes the book more interesting and all the more fun to read. For example, the team wants to head to a specific place in the Congo that researchers have not been able to explore. There lies a legendary lost city rich in rare elements like diamonds and precious metals such as gold and silver. The author goes into great detail about this making the story much easier to understand. The author also uses time to make sure the characters are not too god-like, but instead make mistakes and have character flaws like humans. 



One thought on “Reading Letter 3

  1. Hey Enzo,
    You’re so right about the characters having flaws. This especially makes what happens to them more realistic once they get into the field, and you get to see them face troubles and challenges.

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