Hett Patel Reading letter 3 week 4

Hett Patel

English 8

Hello Ms. Gibson

11 September 2020

The Raft Reading letter 3 week 4

S.A. Bodeen

Page 17- 26

AJ called Robie and asked her how she was doing and Robie lied and said she was fine. Robie has a friend that works at the Air Service and he got Robie a secret ride and the plane. The plane is about to take off and Robie is exited to go home. The plane ride was bumpy but Robie was used to it. They started riding through a storm and the turbulence got worse. The plane engine had stopped.

I didn’t like how the author described so much of what was going on while Robie was boarding the plane. I also didn’t like the small talk that Robie had made with her friend. I wonder if her friend knew that they had a very high chance of crashing that day. Robie’s friend seemed worried so I have a theory that he might have known. I don’t like how the author left out the part of when they will crash for the next chapter. I do like how the author might have foreshadowed a little bit by saying that there was a fruit basket about her head because Robie might need those when she crashes.

One thought on “Hett Patel Reading letter 3 week 4

  1. Hey Hett,
    I’m not sure a fruit basket will last them very long! At least it might be something. I’m with you when an author drags out the event into too many chapters.

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