Reading Letter 3

Quana Alaimo

September 12, 2020


Dear Ms. Gibson

My Side of the Mountain 

Jean George

Page 91 to 208 ( I finished the book)



Summary: The dirty man that Sam found in the woods ended up being an English teacher that had just gotten lost in the woods. The man’s name was Bando, he ended up living with Sam until he had to return home to teach his classes. Sam was lonely when Bando left Sam, but Sam had to keep focused on getting ready for winter. Sam was sad about being alone all winter, which is when his whole family randomly showed up out of nowhere to surprise Sam. His mother told Sam that since he loved living in the woods so much that they would live out there with him, Sam’s father immediately started to build a house.


Response: It’s crazy that Sam’s family would pick up their New York City life to live with Sam in the woods. When the book first said that his family was walking towards him I immediately thought that they were going to make him come home. Sam had spent 8 months out in the woods by himself, so I think that he was glad that his family decided to join him. I loved the ending of this book, I thought it was really unexpected and I would have never guessed for that to happen. This book was very interesting to read and not many parts were boring. The author kept this book filled with details and showed how Sam felt throughout the story.

Sincerely, Quana

One thought on “Reading Letter 3

  1. Hey Quana,
    I’m really glad you liked how it ends. It’s kind of cool how a young person can have such a dramatic effect on his family and cause them to pick up and make the move!

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