Nate Hunter Color Poem

Nate Hunter


Blue Planet


Bright light reflects off a blue ocean

The coral underwater blends in perfectly

As animals of many sizes share their color with their surroundings

Sapphire shines in while exiting a dark cave

Being shown the blue sky

With blue-jays flying in the air

Eyes shining with the color of Lapis

At the sight of a peacock combining blue and green

For all to see

The sun shines on a building, looking blue as can be

Cars on the street drive by with the same palette in mind

With dogs being walked on the sidewalk with a collar blue as glass

The stained glass paints a lovely picture

The paintbrushes as well

With the shades of Zircon made their own

The pencils shades range heavily

But blue is the chosen one today

With the art being just as bright as a river during day

Stars in the sky make a path

Towards planets painted a shade of aquamarine

Reflecting our own planet

With a dark shade of Kyanite covering our home

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