Why Red is the most important color

Red is a very important color

It has its own place on the US flag which represents the red blood of soldiers who died for their country

While we sit in our red chairs during english we can look outside and see the beautiful red leaves of autumn fall from a tree

Very healthy foods with the deep red of strawberries and tomatoes that help you stay in shape

The colors of my favorite teams the Chiefs and the Cardinals have very bright red

While the kid with the supreme shirt on with the red logo watches his netflix load with also a red logo watches MS. Garrison’s red car passed by.

From where is sit in Ms. Gibson’s english class to the left of me is a red candle which I think has the sent of red flowers 

Red also protects the road with stop lights and stop signs that help us survive the drive to red robins 

While I look at the back of my phone which has a red holder I see a cardinal fly right by my head

When you see the red part of a cop car and theory pull you over you blush bright red from embarrassment 

With red markers and crayons I can draw a picture of a cardinal

4 thoughts on “Why Red is the most important color

  1. I am confused about the line about the kid with a Supreme shirt on watching Netflix and watching Ms. Garrisons car pass by. Other than that it was very well structure.

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