Reading Letter 4-Lily Moore

Lily Moore 

September 28 


Dear Ms. Gibson, 


Gary Paulson 


(I read the whole book) 

Brian Robinson finds himself trapped in a plane that had just crashed. His parents had divorced and he was flying to see his dad in Canada. The plane went down after the pilot had a heart attack. The only thing he has is the first aid hit he found in the plane and a hatchet. Hatchet is about Brian’s struggle for survival in the wilderness after the small plane he was flying in crashed. 


I really enjoyed reading this book. It was sad, funny, and had a lot of details. I loved how the author made you feel apart of the book. I could really picture myself in the woods with Brian. Some parts of it were challenging to read, but I always love a good challenge. Overall this was a very good book and would recommend it to anyone. 


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