4th q-Writing #3-Hallie S.

Love always begins with a song It calms the sea and soothes the rain, brings new joy and heals old pain It can shake the mountaintops or turn the sun, can move forests, lift lakes, and carry a ton It always begins, but never truly ends It can steal your soul and your will it Read More…

4th q-Writing #2-Hallie S.

         My brother being four years older than me has kept us from being close. By the time I wanted to follow him around, the novelty of a baby sister had long since worn off and he was starting to gain friendships he didn’t want to share. But, often I was seen only as his Read More…

4th q.-reading letter #5-Hallie

The Adoration of Jenna Fox Mary E. Pearson (Whole book) The Adoration of Jenna Fox is set in the future by probably around fifty years (it is never specified) and follows Jenna as she wakes from a year-long coma. She doesn’t remember anything, but has family videos from birth to before the “accident”. The accident Read More…

4th q.-Reading Letter #3-Hallie S.

Shadow Souls: Return (L. J. Smith, pg. 0 -pg. 599)     I’ve written reviews on almost this entire series, called The Vampire Diaries.  I got interested in these books when I started watching the show based on them.  This book begins where the last one left off, with Elena, Damon, and Matt traveling to the Read More…

4th q.-Reading Letter #2-Hallie S.

The Pretty One (Cheryl Klam, whole book) The Pretty One follows Lucy and Megan, two sisters who go to a performing arts school.  The sisters are close and really love each other, except for that fact that Lucy is the pretty one.  Megan spends a lot of time being upset, not jealous, by Lucy’s beauty Read More…

4th q.-reading letter #1-Hallie S.

Betraying Season (Marissa Doyle, whole book)      Betraying Season is a companion novel to Bewitching Season.  The two books center around each of two magical sisters, Persy and Pen (Persphone and Penelope).  Betraying Season follows Pen to Ireland so she can learn to increase and control her magic.  There she almost immediately meets a really Read More…

4th q-Writing #1-Hallie S.

Life is crazy Life is sweet, Life is good. Until Life is gone. Because always Life is fleeting, Life is gone, in a blink. So live And don’t slow down Live your way And that blink will last. A lifetime. of love and living. Just remeber to live. Your life.

3rd q-Writing #4-Hallie S.

(our group split our script into parts and this is only my part)           According to one holocaust survivor “it was always very important and very essential to have friends in camp, because that was the best way to survive”. (Shelley, p.36)  Others survived by having skills the Nazis could use.  One woman, named Susanna Read More…

3rd q-Reading letter #7-Hallie S.

Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment (James Patterson-whole book) Maximum Ride is an interesting series that has six books so far.  The whole series is mainly about Maximum Ride, who is called just Max.  Max, along with her friends Iggy, Nudge, Fang, the Gasman, and Angel have been living on their own for two years.  But, Read More…

3rd q-Reading Letter #6-Hallie S.

Thirteen Reasons Why By: Jay Asher (whole book) Thirteen Reasons Why is an excellent book, but I wouldn’t recommend it to everyone.  This is a dark book.  The story is told from two perspectives—kind of.  One is Clay, a high school student who receives a mysterious package, waiting on his porch.  Inside this package are Read More…