Reading Letter 4 of 2Q- Kelley

Book: The Battle of the Labyrinth Author: Rick Riordan Pages:361/361 This book was about a guy named Percy who is half greek god and half human. The other main characters are another demigod named Annabeth, a Satyr(half-goat) named Grover, and a Cyclops named Tyson. They all have to go into an underground maze to find Read More…

Reading Letter 3 of 2Q- Kelley

Book: The Sea of Monsters Author: Rick Riordan Pages: 279/279 This book is a sequel to The Lightning Thief. Percy Jackson, a demigod, goes back to Camp Half-Blood and many things have changed. There is a new camp director, monsters are starting to attack the camp, and the tree that protects the camp has been poisoned. Read More…