Ben Reading Letter #4

I just started reading the book Ark Angel (the sixth book in the Alex Rider series). The author of the book is Anthony Horowitz. Alex had finished his last mission with Scorpia and is now back in school, but Scorpia was not going to let Alex live. So one day when Alex was walking out of school and a person that was working for Scorpia had a sniper and shot Alex right in the chest. The bullet missed Alex’s heart by and inch. Alex fell to the ground and an Ambulance hurried to pick up Alex. He was rushed to the hospital and was quickly treated. Alex was lucky to survive if the bullet was and inch lower Alex would of died in a matter of seconds. He was told that he had to stay in the hospital for a week and he would be going through physical therapy.

The first 50 pages of this book are very good and lead off to a good start from the ending of the last book Scorpia. I like how it’s already intense and it keeps you reading the book. This is by far the best series of books I have read. This book is very descriptive and it really tells you the setting and what is going on. It also can give a very good image in your mind of what’s happening. Overall this book is amazing so far and I recommend it to people that like intense books.

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