The Bus Ride- Seth

The Bus Ride

By: Seth Copeland

Last Friday was one of our first bus rides of the basketball season.  We were going to play Seymour at their High School.  Caleb and I were walking over towards the large tour bus.  We saw his dad pull into the parking lot by the bus.  He had brought everybody Sub Shop.  I got my sandwich and went over to our bus to drop of my bags.  When I got onto the bus I walked to the back to put my bag in a seat when I saw Ben, Sean and Sam sitting at a table at the back of the bus.  Since it was a tour bus it had a table in the very back with two sets of seats facing each other for people to play games on long trips.  I was going to sit back there with them.  I got off the bus and walked back to the school for a minute to get my Geometry book.

When I got back to the bus I went to the back to sit down and eat my sandwich.  We all ate our sandwich and stole one of Caleb’s Gatorades.  We laughed the whole way there.  It was one of the best bus rides ever.  I took a nap during the last part of the trip while listening to my Ipod.  We got to Seymour in about an hour or so.  We all got off the bus and walked into the new part of the high school.  Unfortunately we had to play in an old gym.  Either way I had a good time.  I am definately looking forward to our next bus ride.

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