5 thoughts on “Student Writing #3- Sean

  1. Sean, this poem is pretty good, but next time I think that Ms. Gibson would prefer you to write another poem next to the acrostic or just write another acrostic, but this acrostic s pretty good, it describes friendship well.

    -Nick H.

  2. Good job sean but maybe next time make them phrases instead of just having words, and next time it would be better if you had a different type of poems because acrostics are some of the easiest to write.

  3. Sean,
    I like your creativity, but you need to choose a more complicated type of poem than an acrostic.


  4. I agree with nick it is good but Ms. Gibson said she probable won’t give you full credit.

  5. Sean, I like this poem, I did not see any punctuations in your story, and also I like how you made it about friends. Good job.

    Kodi J.

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