Reading Letter #6- Sean

Shark Life

Peter Benchley


All that I have read is the back cover of the book. I was lokking through the books at my house and this one intrigued me the most. I recognized the author, Peter Benchley, as the famous author of the book Jaws.

From reading the summary on the back of the book, the setting is usually on a boat on the ocean or on a coast somewhere. The only character that the back of the book mentions is Peter Benchley, the author.

Mostly the book is about real life stories that involve the author or somebody that the author knows. The story that was an example on the back cover was about a great white shark that was attempting to bite through the line that connected the shark cage to the boat when Peter Benchley was in the cage. Just sitting and thinking about something like that scares me. In the book Benchley visits places such as the Indian Ocean, The coast of South Africa (which is on of the most dangerous bodies of water on earth). He also goes to places around the United States such as the Bahamas and the Gulf of Mexico.

This book sounded interesting to me, because I always want to read something that keeps me interested. Dangerous stunts like these will keep me focused on the book. I have also read books similar to this one and thought that it was really good, so I decided to give this one a try.

One thought on “Reading Letter #6- Sean

  1. Sean,

    Sounds like a good book. From the way you describe the book and the type of books you like it should be good

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