Reading Letter #4-Qtr 1- Kelsey

Pretty Little Devils
By Nancy Holder
Pages: 12

I have just started reading the book Pretty Little Devils because I heard it was really good! It was recommended to me by Anna and I heard that a bunch of other people had been reading them.
So far, I have just read about the main character Hazel Stone and how she is now a senior and trying to make new friends. She is explaining about all of the clicks at her school and how she is considered a “nerd” if you will. Her best friend recently moved away and she didn’t know what her senior year would be like. She is trying to make new friends other than he old nerdy friends. She is also talking about this guy who she has a crush on named Matty Verdeman. She knew everything about him and she thought he was the most gorgeous guy ever.
I am really excited to read on because I hear it gets really good in the end!!! I haven’t read much but from what I have read the book is already pretty good.

One thought on “Reading Letter #4-Qtr 1- Kelsey

  1. Kelsey this is quite a nice reading letter, I thought you did a great job on your summary since you have only read 12 pages, though next time you should probably go into more detail in why you chose to read it. But overall you did a fantastic job!

    Nick H.

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