Student Writing #3 Qtr. 4-Kelsey

Black Holes By Kelsey Nau A black hole is simply a region of space where the gravitational force is so strong that nothing can escape it. A black hole forms when an object becomes unable to withstand the compression force of its own gravity. Even light isn’t fast enough to escape, since the speed of Read More…

Student Writing #2 Qtr. 4-Kelsey

Physical Science Neon Portfolio In 1898, the element Neon was discovered by Scottish chemist William Ramsay and chemist Morris Travers. William Ramsay cooled a sample of atmosphere until it was a liquid. He then boiled the liquid and captured the gases from it. He discovered three different gases including krypton, xenon, and neon. The name Read More…

Student Writing #1 Qtr 4-Kelsey

Law in the 21st Century Since the early history of the United States, humans have been discriminated against, based on race, age, beliefs, gender, employment, disabilities and even their social circle. There are equality challenges in schools, businesses and even through law enforcement officials. Over many years, rights of U.S. citizens have evolved and are Read More…

Reading Letter #5 Qtr. 4- Kelsey

Escape to West Berlin By Maurine F. Dahlberg Pages: 174/174 This book is about the Klenk family coping with the worries of being held in East Berlin forever. Heidi Klenk lives in East Berlin during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. She is told that the restrictions on food, travel Read More…

Reading Letter #4 Qtr. 4- Kelsey

Book: The Choice By Nicholas Sparks 272/272 This is one of the best books I have ever read. It starts off with a woman in her late twenties named Gabby, who moves to a little town in North Carolina to be closer to her boyfriend of 3 years. She moves into a home next to Read More…

Reading Letter #3 Qtr. 4-Kelsey

Life as We Knew It By: Susan Beth Pfeffer 337/337 When an asteroid hits the moon the whole world changes.  Miranda, a 17 year old girl, keeps a detailed diary of all the changes that happen to Miranda, her mom, and her brothers, Johnny and Matt. One day Miranda’s mom picks her and Johnny up from Read More…

Reading Letter #2 Qtr. 4- Kelsey

Shakespeare’s Secret By Elise Broach Pages 243/243 The book that I have just read is called Shakespeare’s Secret. It was a very good book. The main character was a girl names Hero. Her parents love Shakespeare so they named both of their kids after his plays. Hero and her older sister Beatrice are new in Read More…

Reading Letter #1 Qtr. 4-Kelsey

Eclipse Author: Stephenie Meyer Pages Read: 34/629 I am reading the book Eclipse. I am not very far into it but from what I have read I can already tell it is going to be a great book. This book starts off at the ending of the last book New Moon. Bella and Edward are Read More…

Reading Letter #7 Qtr. 3-Kelsey

All the Lovely Bad Ones Mary Downing Hahn Pages 182/182 Sent to spend the summer with their grandmother, Travis and his sister, Corey, are in for the scare of their lives. As soon as they learn that the Inn, owned by their grandmother is haunted, Travis and Corey are thrilled to be there. Unfortunately, Grandmother Read More…