Reading Letter #4 Qtr. 4- Kelsey

Book: The Choice

By Nicholas Sparks


This is one of the best books I have ever read. It starts off with a woman in her late twenties named Gabby, who moves to a little town in North Carolina to be closer to her boyfriend of 3 years. She moves into a home next to a man names Travis Parker. Travis is in full pursuit of a great life. He has regular BBQ’s with his good friends and travels the world with no itinerary. He believes that a serious relationship with a woman would only cramp his style, until he meets Gabby.

Although he tried every attempt at first to be neighborly, Gabby just didn’t pay attention until Travis invited her for a get together with his friends. Gabby realized that there was more to Travis than she expected and she was really learning to like him, the only thing keeping her from liking him more than a neighbor was the presence of her longtime boyfriend Kevin who she was very serious about marrying. The only thing about Kevin was that she never saw him and their relationship was falling apart. She now had to choose between Kevin, the man she had grown to love over the last 3 years or Travis, who was always there and who she automatically loved after only spending a weekend with him. Travis’s persistent efforts led them both to the doorstep of a journey, and a long future together that neither could have foreseen.

This is a great, great book! I couldn’t put it down and there was always a new event every time I turned the page. For the most part I could foreshadow what was going to happen next, until the end but I am going to save that for you to find out. I would recommend this to anyone!!!

One thought on “Reading Letter #4 Qtr. 4- Kelsey

  1. Hey Kelsey! I thought that you did a really good job. You put a lot of information about the book, and made me want to read it. Good Job-Maddie

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