Reading Letter #3 Qtr. 4-Kelsey

Life as We Knew It

By: Susan Beth Pfeffer


When an asteroid hits the moon the whole world changes.  Miranda, a 17 year old girl, keeps a detailed diary of all the changes that happen to Miranda, her mom, and her brothers, Johnny and Matt. One day Miranda’s mom picks her and Johnny up from school and take them to the grocery store with Mrs. Nesbitt, their neighbor. The mom says get food for the cat, canned stuff, lots of water and medicine. They paid the store $100 for each full shopping cart, because there was no power to checkout the items. In a few short months Miranda’s world seems to be falling apart, as her mom quits eating due to her fear of running out of food supplies, her friends are dying or running away and her boyfriend deserts her. Eventually Miranda gives up hope and leaves home to die.

I think this is a great book and I would recommend it to anyone. I loved the book it had so much detail and was so intriguing. The book caused me to think about how lucky we are in the world today. The book also caused me to think about the climate. I would recommend this to anyone!

2 thoughts on “Reading Letter #3 Qtr. 4-Kelsey

  1. Hey Kelsey! I thought that you did a really good job. You explained the book very well, but next time you may want to put how you felt about the book. Good job-Maddie

  2. Kelsey,
    I thought your reading letter was a good length, but I thought you could do better writing what happens between characters because at times it got confusing and was difficult to read. Otherwise, the idea for your summary and reflection was veyr well thought out! Good Job!


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