Reading Letter #1 Qtr. 4-Kelsey


Author: Stephenie Meyer

Pages Read: 34/629

I am reading the book Eclipse. I am not very far into it but from what I have read I can already tell it is going to be a great book. This book starts off at the ending of the last book New Moon. Bella and Edward are now dating again, but Charlie disapproves of Edward. He feels like Edward had hurt Bella so much that he never wanted that for her again. Edward comes and stays with Bella often, Bella was still grounded for her last incident so Edward came late at night once Charlie had fallen asleep and left early in the morning when Charlie woke up.  One day Edward was looking through Bella’s room and discovered that Bella had not used the two plane tickets that Edward’s sister gave to her for her birthday. He thought that it was a great idea to go ahead and use them. If she was grounded her why not go there.

Later, around dinnertime Edward brought up the subject. Charlie was very excited at first; he knew that she probably needed to see her mom. Once he heard that Edward would go to though he was very unhappy. The two of them finally convinced him that it was a good idea to go and he allowed them to take the trip that weekend. Bella was excited to see her mom it was a really great idea for her to come here. Bella loved the sun and the beach so much. Bella and her mother got a chance to catch up, and when it came time to go back to Forks, Bella was a little disappointed. I am excited to read on and I can’t wait to see what happens next.

One thought on “Reading Letter #1 Qtr. 4-Kelsey

  1. Hey Kelsey! I thought that you did a really good job. You explaine the book well, and there werent any errors. Next time put more on what you thought of the book though. Good Job-Maddie

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