reading letter6- Nikki

Story of a Girl

Sara Zarr


I recently finished the book, Story of a Girl. The ending really surprised me. So to leave off from where i left it, Jason and Deanna kissed and they felt guilty. So what ended up happening was Jason told Lee himself and Lee did not even care. She told Deanna to forget about it. Deanna felt like she was ruining Jason and Lee’s relationship, so she stopped talking to them for about 2 months. Stacy and Deanna’s brother found a house and bought it and are now moving in. Deanna called Lee because she missed her and Jason. She left a voicemail and said to meet at their regular meeting place on the first day of school. She had no call back and was scared she’d have to struggle through school alone. The first day of school came and there was Lee and Jason at the meeting spot. They all hugged and were still friends. the end.

So i really liked the book, but I believe the ending was too… set up. Like anyone could had guessed the ending to end so well and they are all friends again just like that and her life is perfect. But I guess it makes up for all the drama before, but I liked the drama, it was all so realistic. I recommend this book to any girl who is mature enough to understand and enjoy the book. It is really good for teenage girls.

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