Reading Letter #7-Jessie

White Witch, Black Curse

     Rachel Morgan is a witch working for the FBI. She and her friend Ivy are partners in solving the crime involving Rachel’s boyfriend’s murder. Even though Rachel was there to witness the murder, she was put under a spell. Now, her worst nightmare has come into town and she is not happy. A banshee, or aura sucker, is in town and killing people at a fast rate. Rachel is a messed up witch with memory loss and on a suicide run for this banshee. Will she make it out alive?

     In like this book because its a little like tanker girl meets Buffy the vampire. The characters are on their own, and not doing so well. Every second of the book is about Rachel and what mess she can get herself into next. You never know whats going to happen next in the story because its not your average story. The author has a very good way of writing about the  characters and what they feel like inside, but make themselves look like on the outside.

3 thoughts on “Reading Letter #7-Jessie

  1. You made this book sound interesting! Though, your description was a little confusing, so watch out for that. 😀

  2. this book looks pretty good with all the police stuff and everything with the spells but may be a little far fetched but what ever floats your boat i guess.

  3. good job explaining your opinion! seems like you enjoy the book. keep up the work because you did it the correct way.

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