Reading Letter #2-2nd Quarter-Brianna


By Margaret Peterson Haddix

Pages 189- the end (page 330)


         I finished the book and it was fantastic. A lot happened. There was the fire at the factory Jane, Yetta, and Bella are all there. Jane is there with a new job of hers, which is to be a nanny for the Triangle Factory owner’s daughters. The strike has ended and rules were changed, but Yetta and Bella still are not completely happy with the new arrangements. You also find out who Mrs. Livingston is. I’m not going to tell anymore because I might ruin the book.


         This was one of the best books I have ever read. Wile reading about the fire I felt as if I was there. I just wanted to keep reading and reading. My prediction last week was right. I had this feeling that they all were not going to make and not all of them did. I kind of was attached to the characters, so it was sad to let some of them go. I not going to say which one(s) die, so you got to read the book. I still really like the set up of the book; each chapter about a different character. This book is a great fiction story with a lot of cool historical details from the real Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. In the book there is a boy with the last name Livingston and he is associated with one of the girls. So before the end you think you know who Mrs. Livingston is, but you don’t. It was really cool how the book ended. I really enjoyed this book and hope you do too. I would definitely recommend this book to a friend.

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