Student Writing #1- Qtr 2-Kelsey

Student Writing


By Kelsey Nau

There is nothing around me. Nothing but trees, plants, and grass. I look down to see orange, red and yellow leaves crunching below my feet. There is nothing but the birds chirping and leaves swaying and wind blowing. Nothing but the smell of trees, pine trees. Nothing but fresh air and open spaces. There is nothing but the open world. I can hear water moving down the river as I stop when I see a tree stump. I sit down to take in the open spaces when I see a chipmunk run by my feet. It stops as I move my head to look down at it, then runs off. I turn my head and see a doe. The trees are almost bare because it is now fall. Fall is the best time of year…

One thought on “Student Writing #1- Qtr 2-Kelsey

  1. Kelsey, good story. I like the way you described the landscape of fall and the leaves. You did a good job describing the things you saw and smelled too.


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